Life is not what I dreamed it would be 20 years ago. I had two little boys that we dressed to the hilt to go to church every Sunday and they were the sweetest little angels. What else could a new mother ask for, well 4 more of those wonderful "Angels" have come into our lives the youngest of which is 13, if you are wondering we have 4 teen agers. I have contemplated if at age 22, I understood what I know now about raising 6 children and what I would learn. Would I have even had the first? I strongly feel that Father only gives us enough to fuel the desire, and than He supports and comforts us along the trail (trial) of life. You know like that shouting for joy about coming to this earth..... Okay now why would I want to leave, Mother, Father complete love and security for EARTH..... Life..... pain, death, destruction, anger, dissapointment.... Father must have been a "salesman" . . .
Some how along the way the children have obtained their own opinions, styles, desires, or lack of . . . and we do not always mesh, much like oil and vinegar.