Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nine months one might think I went into hiding in order to give birth. In a metaphorical sense I have done just that. I have come to learn a lot about myself, life, and others during the last few months. A metamorphosis a new birth has taken place in my life again.

I have finished five more English essays, earned my AA (still waiting for it in the mail), have declared my majors. English and Social Work with a minor in Women's Studies. I was truly frightened to take an English class and to think it is now my major. I am also taking on the challenge of writing a book about addiction and understanding the eternal perspective . . . If I can figure out how to add an attachment I'll add the essay; I also have surveys in order to help with the contents of the book.

It is time to go do some research in attachments in the blogging community.

Take care,